Friday, February 26, 2021

Brainstorming Ideas for my Research Project

I am finally excited to attend physical classes this trimester. Due to the pandemic last year, students had to attend classes online and although the classes were interesting, it still lacked the excitement of attending classes in campus. On my first class, I met a bunch of amazing people and everyone seemed really interested in attending the class. We were greeted by Dr. Eleni and our class had started. Our first task given by her was brainstorming and we all had to come up with various ideas on what to work for our project. Many of us came with really interesting ideas but these ideas weren't furnished including mine. Eleni was engaging with every student and she carefully explained the flaws with each idea by questioning as a professional examiner. By the end of the session, I felt elevated with joy and confidence as these classes were more interactive and fun compared to online sessions.

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The Final Video Here is the final outcome of the game I designed