Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Game Ideation for the Installation

 Ideation Phase 2

The idea for installation would be a penalty shootout game with a physical motion detector that would decide the movement of the ball virtually. The idea behind the game is to kick the motion detector and it would simulate the movement of the ball. The user would also be wearing a sole like apparatus with 4 vibration motors connected to it. 

Proposed Simulation of the Game

This would vibrate in response to how the user would shoot the ball. If the user kicks with harder intensity, the motors would vibrate intensely reminding the user to control the intensity of the kick. It would also vibrate the motors responsible to denote the trajectory of the ball, since the motors would be connected in 4 different places to denote direction of the moving ball.

The motion detecting kicking apparatus

I have also decided to not use the FSR (Force Sensitive Resistor) for this project. I would consider the previous test as failed test case and not feasible for the new idea. Instead I have placed an order for a Triple Axis Accelerometer and use that to detect motion sensing instead.

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The Final Video Here is the final outcome of the game I designed